Just because you’re on the full-time grind does not give you an excuse to grow a F.U.P.A. We admit that the R & G headquarters isn’t the healthiest spot on the block… but we do appreciate a good physique. So we turned to the next fitness guru, Jen K. She hasn’t eaten a cookie in years, she’s the real deal. And she said…


No but she really said…

Snacking can be an important part of your diet. Letting yourself go too long without food can lead to overeating at mealtimes, which, in turn, can cause you to pack on the pounds. Workers who sit behind a desk all day have to be especially mindful of what they’re eating. You need to focus on the task at hand, which means it’s not a good idea to deprive yourself, but you’re also not going to burn off excess calories while typing.

Here are some healthy snacks to munch on while at work on the grind:

-Fresh fruit such as apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapefruit, grapes, melons, pears, plums or berries.

-Raw Veggies with some kind of dip or hummus

-Greek yogurt with a handful of granola and fresh berries

-Whole Wheat/Multigrain crackers or pita chips with hummus

-No butter/lightly-buttered popcorn

-Rice cakes with some sort of topping (peanut butter, sliced turkey, hummus, almond butter): rice cakes are great because they are low in fat and calories, but high in texture, which makes you feel like you are actually eating something.

-Apple and peanut butter (Add all natural peanut butter, it taste the same and is sooo much better for you)

-Handful of almonds

-Trail mix with dark chocolate

-Protein bar with at least 20mg of protein to keep you full so you aren’t tempted to overeat or snack more

-A few pieces of dark chocolate (way better for you than milk chocolate)

-Nature Valley granola bars

Ants on a log: Fans of The Office will be familiar with this popular children’s snack (it is Michael Scott’s favorite), which features celery, peanut butter and raisins. The classic version is recommended by the McKinley Health Center as a “smart snack” but there are variations if you like to change up your diet. Try “Gnats on a Log” by substituting currants for the raisins, “Ants on a Snowy Log” by using cream cheese instead of peanut butter or “Ants on a Slip ‘n Slide” by adding honey to the original recipe.

Laughing Cow Mini Babybel Cheeses: A nice option for the office worker who looks to limit carbs, almost all Laughing Cow’s cheeses come in nice pre-packaged portion sizes that can keep you from over-indulging.

PopChips: A healthy alternative to those greasy, salty potato chips you’ve been buying from the company vending machine. PopChips aren’t fried (because that would be unhealthy) or baked (because we all know how those taste), but “popped” (they add some heat and pressure to the chips), which keeps them low in calories and highly delicious.

-Low Fat String Cheese

To learn more healthy shit visit: http://walkinglettuceleaf.wordpress.com/